About Neomir
Our Vision
We want to redefine the standard of data quality, ensuring that every piece of information serves as a pillar of trust & reliability.
Our Mission
It’s time for new approaches. We want to pioneer innovative data quality solutions that empower organizations to transform data into trustworthy, reliable & actionable insights by making data quality accessible to all.

Data Quality made in Switzerland
Our Story
"In 2019, at the young age of 19 years, I joined a medical laboratory services provider as their only master data manager - with the responsibility to ensure data quality across their business functions. I had the best manager I could ever ask for and loved my job... Until disaster struck and the pandemic hit. And as much as our business soared, so did data quality issues. I witnessed firsthand how bad data quality not only affected a business, but more importantly its customers - in this case: Patients.
Was I responsible for that? Probably not.
Did I feel responsible? 100 % yes.
Desperately looking for a solution, I was disappointed to find nothing that could fix my problem. So I had to do it myself. I extinguished the fires during the week - and used the weekends to develop a software solution that would fix the problem in the long term. After ~3 months, I was finally done. I had a solution far from perfect, but good enough to fix the most pressing data quality issues. The relief I felt is impossible to put into words.
More than 4 years later, thinking about that time still sends shivers down my spine. I did and still do feel responsible for what happened back then. If only I had the tools necessary to do my job properly... But time can't be reversed - all I can do now is to do my part to never let something like this happen again.
And this is Neomir. It's me doing my part to make the world's data better."
- Jonas, Founder of Neomir